If you need some help around the house or think it’s time to look into aged care services, your first step is to register your needs with My Aged Care.
My Aged Care is the Australian Government’s starting point on your aged care journey. This is where you can find and access the government-funded services you need. They break down the process into five easy steps for you.

Step 1: Learn about different types of care
If you are just starting out on your aged care journey, this is your first step. You can see what services are available to help you stay in your own home, or what to expect in an aged care home.
Step 2: Get assessed
If you’ve had a look at what services might be available and you want to know if you are eligible, this is your next step. Read about how to apply and what’s involved in the assessment process.
Step 3: Find a provider
If you’ve been assessed and are ready to find a provider and set up your new services, start here. Find out what to consider and get information about service providers near you.
Step 4: Manage your services
If you are receiving services and want to check what you’ve got in place or make some changes, head to this section.
Step 5: Need some help?
If you need some help, the My Aged Care team can answer most of your questions over the phone.
Call 1800 200 422 or contact us today and we’ll happily walk you through the process to ensure you are confident in the next steps.